Learn Magic
Students wishing to study sleight-of-hand with Richard Hatch are required to adhere to a signed secrecy agreement regarding the content of their lessons. This is the traditional magician’s code and the reasons behind it are explained during the first lesson. To inquire about lessons, text Richard at (435) 932-0017.

Photo by Levi Sim
Magic News & Events
Brigham’s Boots and the Basiliconthaumaturgist at the Alta Club
On September 21, 2021 Richard Hatch presented his research on the encounter between "basilconthaumaturgist" Washington Simmons (later known as "Dr. Lynn") and Brigham Young, along with the rivalry between Simmons and the humorist Artemus Ward, both performing at the...
The Erdnase Hunt (Part 3)
The third and final installment of Alex Romanoff's popular "Erdnase Hunt" YouTube series is now available, featuring an interview with Richard Hatch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVRKECAPkl8
The Magic Word Podcast (Part Two)
The second of Scott Wells' popular Magic Word Podcasts featuring Richard Hatch is available here: tinyurl.com/y5b9hvsc
Magic Word Podcast features Richard Hatch (Part One)
Scott Wells' popular Magic Word podcast features Richard Hatch on H & R Magic Books and the Search for Erdnase: tinyurl.com/y2lz74rz

Photo by Chris Gillett
About Richard Hatch
Although Richard Hatch holds two graduate degrees in Physics from Yale University, he finds it easier apparently to violate the laws of nature than to discover them.
His unique expertise has entranced and informed travel agents in Budapest and Taipei and petroleum engineers in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Sugar Ray Leonard, Arsenio Hall and former President and First Lady George and Barbara Bush are just a few of the many who have been entertained up close by his intimate deceptions. From the Parlor of Hollywood’s Magic Castle to the VIP lounge of Eddie Murphy’s New Year’s Eve party, the Magic of Richard Hatch has helped make a success of exclusive events large and small.